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"Joyful Walk with Kids, Image Our Growing Path" Photo Sharing Activity

Organiser and Co-organiser

The Activity is organised by the Commission on Children and co-organised by the Labour and Welfare and Bureau.


  • To give children an opportunity to discover wonderful moments in daily life and build up a positive mindset; as well as to encourage them to try, admire and care about things around them so as to develop a positive attitude.

Promotional Video

Elements for the healthy and happy growth

Develop a positive mindset
Chole: Helpful and responsible
Develop a positive mindset
Attitude determines altitude. A positive mindset helps children face and overcome challenges, and build resilience. With a positive yet cautious attitude, children can learn to analyse things from a positive perspective and find the extraordinary from the ordinary.
Admire and Discover
Henry: Sincere, kind and full of curiosity
Admire and Discover
All things in their being are good for something. Everyone can unleash their full potential when their strengths are discovered and recognised, not only by themselves, but also by others.
Willing to try and accept failure
Leo: Courageous and energetic
Willing to try and accept failure
As the saying goes, "Failure is the mother of success". One should not be afraid of the adversity along the way to success, but try to accept failure, seize every opportunity to learn from experience, and turn resistance into assistance.
Diversified Development
Joyce: Diligent and inquisitive
Diversified Development
Achieving diversified development according to one's interests and abilities will nurture proactive learning attitude and self-confidence, which are key elements to broaden one's horizons.
Love and Care
Michael: Communicative, a good listener
Love and Care
Learn to love and to be loved. By treating others with empathy and affection, one can taste the happiness of love and care.
Accompany and Listen
Accompany and Listen
Apart from material needs, mental health plays an important role in children's development. Being close partners of children, parents and friends should listen to children and face difficulties together with them during their ups and downs.

Activity Summary

  • Organised by the Commission on Children, the "Joyful Walk with Kids, Image Our Growing Path" photo sharing activity (the Activity) was held from August 2022 to January 2023. Through shooting photographs, participants showcased the key elements for healthy and happy growth of children by uploading their photographs to the Activity's website for sharing the joy and their growing paths with the others. The Activity was successfully concluded and well received with more than 570 photographs from around 270 participants. A lot of participants have also created their unique photo albums to spread the positivity and share the positive energy to the people around us!

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